About Big B Online

Big B Online is a registered close corporation in South Africa and carries on the work of web development, marketing, and consulting.

Our range of products and services

We have mainly designed websites for our own use in the past but, as a result of a growing knowledgebase and skill level, we have also developed a rather formidable team who can deliver a quality product in the South African web development arena. Our websites not only look decent but they also perform well by attracting visitors too. We therefore are now able to offer the following facilities:

  1. Buy the website
  2. Design the website
  3. Optimise the website
  4. Host the website

We also run a number of our own websites which cover a wide range of topics. Our websites are generally built to provide good information to our visitors and we then make our own income by letting other people advertise on them. These adverts either take the form of affiliate marketing deals or paid advertising campaigns.

Some of our sites also have a social objective. Our South African Sites Forum was created to allow South Africans to talk to each other in a good and clean environment. We also offer totally free services to buy or sell cars and houses, to find jobs, or to find staff, and a host of other totally free services. These sites also carry advertising but were developed to give back to the community.

Who are Big B Online?

Owner / Member
Brian du Toit
Studied Industrial Psychology and was a bank manager for 27 years being going on his own. Strong SEO (Search Engine Optimisation) skills and web development skills.

Programming / Development / Web Design /Commercial Artwork
Craig van Rensburg
Qualified C++ Programmer, Certified Ethical Hacker, Qualified SEO guru. Good working knowledge of php, java, vbscript, all adobe web development products.

Link Management / Copywriter / Bingo Manager
Irene Smith
Excellent communication skills plus has attended and passed a course in all the Adobe Web development products

Bettina Johnson
Excellent communication skills. Multilingual.

New Media Development and Consultant
Craig du Toit
Advanced knowledge of all core products in new media. Extensive local and offshore experience in web development.